February 3, 2012

Kehta hu kahi jaat hu, kahat bajaye dhol
Swasa khali jaat hai, teen lok ka mol
कहता हूँ कही जात हूँ, कहत बजाये ढोल |
स्वसा ख़ाली जात है, तीन लोक का मोल ||
Dont say that you belong to a very prominent caste. This is nothing for which you should beat drums. You are wasting your breaths and standing separated from the eternal spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Your explanation is partially true.

    Saint Kabir said "I am repeatedly saying this. Also I am saying this beating drums that each round of breath is very important and it is that much important that there is nothing more important in three worlds than each round of breath."

    GOD is above and beyond the three worlds and in order to get "Darshan" of GOD, we must use each round of breath to remember him. We never know when we will die but if the process of remembering GOD is constant, the last breath of remembering him will liberate us. This is also explained very well in Shrimad Bhagwad Gita. If we miss remembering him even for one second and in that second if we die, there is no way our soul could be liberated.


    Dhruv Rangunwala
