February 3, 2012

Daas kahavan kathin hai, mein dasan ka daas
Ab to aisa hoye rahu, paav tale ki ghas
दास कहावन कठिन है, में दासन का दास |
अब तो ऐसा होए रहू, पाँव तले की घास ||
It is difficult to serve others. I am serving those who are serving others. Now I long to become like a grass under the feet of people.

Kehta hu kahi jaat hu, kahat bajaye dhol
Swasa khali jaat hai, teen lok ka mol
कहता हूँ कही जात हूँ, कहत बजाये ढोल |
स्वसा ख़ाली जात है, तीन लोक का मोल ||
Dont say that you belong to a very prominent caste. This is nothing for which you should beat drums. You are wasting your breaths and standing separated from the eternal spirit.

Satguru mila to sab mile, naa to mila na koy
Maat pita sut bandhva, yeh to ghar ghar hoy
सतगुरु मिला तो सब मिले, ना तो मिला न कोय |
मात पिता सूत बान्धवा, यह तो घर घर होय ||
If someone is able to have a privilege of being in the company of a good preceptor then he has the privilege of being in the company of all. Otherwise he does not understand any relation. The relatives like mother, father, son and brother are there in all families.

Kabira seep samunder ki, khara jal nahi le
Paani piye swati ka, shobha sagar de
कबीरा सीप समुंदर की, खरा जल नाही ले |
पानी पिए स्वाति का, शोभा सागर दे ||
A shell in the ocean does not take any salty water from the ocean. It drinks the raindrops falling during the period of Swati Constellation and adds to the beauty of the ocean

Karta raha so kyo raha, ab kari kyo pachhataye
Boye ped babul ka, so amua kaha se paaye 
करता रहा सो क्यों रहा, अब करी क्यों पछताए |
बोये पेड़ बबूल का, अमुआ कहा से पाए ||
why were u doing what you were doing, now what the use of repenting
you have sown seeds of Babool tree, don't expect mangoes from that
Koyla bhi ho ujla, jari pari jo sek
Murakh hoy na ujla, jo kaala ka khet
कोयला भी हो उजला, जरी पड़ी जो सेक |
मुर्ख होय ना उजला, जो काला का खेत ||
A coal becomes white when put on fire. A fool does not shun his foolishness after any treatment.

Kasturi kundal base, mrag dhundhat ban mahi
Jyo ghat ghat ram hai, duniya dekhe nahi
कस्तूरी कुंडल बसे, मृग ढूँढत बन माहि |
ज्यो घट घट राम है, दुनिया देखे नाही |
A deer has the fragrance in itself and runs throughout the forest for finding it. Similarly Ram is everywhere but the world does not see.

February 2, 2012

Naina antar aaw tu, nain jhaapi tohi leu
Na mein dekhu aur ko, na tohi dekhan deu
नैना अंतर आव तू, नैन झापी तोही लेऊ |
न में देखू और को, न तोही देखन देऊ ||
O my beloved! Come into my eyes, I will take you in and close them
Then, neither will I see anyone else, nor will I allow anyone to see you
Eyes are like doors, and images enter through them to the heart. The lover of god wants to realize his beauty in his heart. Devotee is waiting for the Darshan of god.
Premi dundat mein phiru, premi miliya na koy
Premi ko premi mile, tab sab vish amrit hoy
प्रेमी ढूँढत में फिरू, प्रेमी मिलिया न कोय |
प्रेमी को प्रेमी मिले, तब विष अमृत होय ||
I wondered in search of true lover but did not find any
When a lover meets another, then all all poison turns into nector
True lover of god rarely found but when they come together they rejoice, and the nector of love over flows, and everybody enjoys it
Ram rasayan prem ras, pivat adhik rasal
Kabir pivan durlabh hai, mange sis kalal
राम रसायन प्रेम रस, पीवत अधिक रसाल |
कबीर पीवत दुर्लभ है, मांगे सीस कलाल ||
The very powerful drug of god is love, which is very sweet
But it is difficult to obtain, because the seller asks for your head as its price
No one can enter the region of god with his head on his shoulder i.e. with his ego. Only the humble devotee can drink the nector of god’s love
Sadhu shabd samunder hai, jaa mein ratan bharay
Mand bhag mutthi bhare, kankar haath lagaay
साधू शब्द समुंदर है, जा में रतन भराय |
मंद भाग मुट्ठी भरे, कंकर हाथ लगाय ||
A good person is an ocean of pearls
Those who are not intelligent end with handful of sand after meeting a good person
Sadhu bhukha bhav ka, dhan ka bhukha nahi
Dhan ka bhukha jo phire, so to sadhu nahi
साधू भूखा भाव का, धन का भूखा नाही |
धन का भूखा जो फिरे, सो तो साधू नाही ||

A good person wants that you should have faith in what he says. He
is not after your money. He who roams for money is not a good
Bhesh dekh na pujiye, puchh lijiye gyan
Bina kasauti hot nahi, kanchan ki pehchan
भेष देख ना पुजिये, पूछ लीजिये ज्ञान |
बिना कसौटी होंत नाही, कंचन की पहचान ||

Dont go after the outward appearance. See whether he has the right
knowledge. A goldsmith cannot verify the purity of gold without
putting it to test.